Secure your business with superior Commercial Chain Link Gates from Olympic Fence. Based in Queens, NY, we’ve been setting the standard for high-grade fencing solutions in the NYC area since 1977. At Olympic Fence, we are known in the NYC area to fabricate all types of chain. Specializing in commercial chain link gates, we offer an unrivaled range of products designed to boost your property’s security without sacrificing aesthetic appeal.
Whether you need an overhead slide gate, double swing gates with wing slats, or a custom-sized gate, our team has the expertise to deliver. Here are some of our specialties:
- Overhead Slide Gates – Available in a range of sizes, including an expansive 50ft wide 8ft high model for larger entryways.
- Double Swing Gates – A popular choice for businesses, they’re customizable with wing slats, corrugated steel sheeting, or razor ribbon for extra security.
- Custom Swing Gates – We design and manufacture gates to your specifications, even up to a 68ft wide overhead slide with 16ft clearance.
- Cantilever Slide Gates – Perfect for businesses requiring heavy-duty security, available in 8ft and 12ft high powder-coated models.
- Specialty Gates – Need something unique? We offer Geatien Gates with barb wire, garbage enclosures with hedge inserts, panic bar gates, and more!
We also provide installation services, ensuring that your gate is securely in place and functioning optimally.
- overhead slide gate
- 2 double swing gates with wing slats
- 25ft double swing gate
- 6ft high custom swing gate with internal swing gate
- 4 sided 8ft high garbage enclosure with hedge inserts
- Geatien Gate with barb wire
- 12ft high powder coated cantalever
- 20ft wide custom single swing gate with circle razor ribbon
- 50ft wide double swing gate with barb wire and razor ribbon
- 50ft wide 8ft high overhead slide gate
- double cantalever slide gate 8ft high
- 10ft high double swing gate with corregated steel sheeting
- 6ft high double 400lb track slide gate
- 68ft wide overhead slide 16ft clearance
- panic bar gates with mini mesh
- 8ft High Powder Coated Double Swing Gates
- 8ft high x 25ft wide chain link single swing with PVT inserts
- 50ft wide double barrier gates
- 8ft high cantalever slide gate